Hello Again

Wow, look at the time! It is almost Thanksgiving and the last time I posted anything on here was around the end of October. I feel like I need to post an introduction post again.

The month of October was busy as I ventured out into the world of an online student, starting a course in Life Coaching. I apologize to all the readers of this post for not being able to keep up with writing on here, but my time was constrained and I only had the time and energy to devote to my studies, and teaching in my church when the opportunity arose.

But now…drum roll, please…school is out for the holidays. Woot! Woot! At least for me. My plan is to take my next course in the spring term which begins in January. I wanted to be able to enjoy the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, without the distraction of studying.

The course ended a week ago Sunday. God has been faithful! I wasn’t sure I would be able to do a class, much less online, but I made it! There were times it was tough because my sleep deprivation led to low energy and low concentration, and I just wasn’t sure I would be able to keep up with everyone. But, praise God, He gave me the energy to trudge through the course. I’m still waiting on my final grade, but the last quiz I took I made an A+.

Break out the nog! No egg nog, thank you. I can’t handle eggs, so just nog.

I am super excited for the holidays! I am planning on things to bake to take to my family’s Thanksgiving, thinking of presents to buy and looking forward to putting up the tree. I just love this time of year! I love the festivities, the celebration of all the blessings God has given me. I need to go to Michaels craft store to buy new ornaments for my miniature tree I put up in my office. Need?…ok. Not really need. I just want new ornaments to put on my tree.

Christmas sugar cookies.

Christmas sugar cookies. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As I am writing, I am sipping on hot apple cider with the fragrance of sugar cookies from my Yankee candle filling the air. I am soaking in the holidays already.

I woke up this morning after a good night sleep. It took my awhile to fall asleep last night, but once I did fall asleep I actually slept deeply, which is rare for me.

As I began to wake up this morning, I felt in my spirit a call beckoning me deeper into Christ. It’s a call Peter probably can identify with since Jesus led Peter to step out on waves that, in the natural, would not hold him up.

Peter was all gung-ho about it. Impetuous Peter. He didn’t need to think about it. When Jesus called, he stepped out. Me? I got to think about it first. I got to ask myself, do I really believe? Do I really believe He will hold me up as I walk on the waves.

If you read my blog, Ocean’s Deep, then you’ll know the image of the ocean is still stuck in my brain. I can’t get it out. The imagery of the ocean is coming up in songs and I feel the Lord speaking to me about trusting Him to go out further.

Call it coincidence, but I recently heard a new song by Hillsong United titled similar to the title of my previous post, Ocean’s Deep. The title to the song? Oceans. Get outta here! Coincidence? I think not. I know that’s God speaking to my heart. The lyrics to the song are haunting. I only heard the song twice on the radio, but the lyrics, “Spirit, lead me when my trust is without borders/ Let me walk upon the waters/Wherever you would call me/ Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander/ And my faith will be made stronger/ In the presence of my Savior…” has really been embedded in my spirit.

Powerful lyrics, no?

Spirit, lead me when my trust is without borders.

Lead me when my trust does not limit You within a certain geographical sphere.

Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander. Take me deeper than my feet would ever allow me to go.

Oh man! I want to go deeper.

The song I quoted in Ocean’s Deep by Audio Adrenaline called Believer was inspired by a blind surfer. He’s a young man of 21 years. When I heard that, wow–it really made the lyrics move me to tears, because now I’m listening to the lyrics thinking of this young man who is blind who has the courage to go out and surf on the ocean. If you haven’t seen the official video check it out on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLDmrVPQd98

English: 2010 Mavericks surfing competition. T...

English: 2010 Mavericks surfing competition. The image was taken from a boat. Here’s Shalom’s description of his experience: “The boat was very rocky. Many people got sea sick though. One guy (photog) never even got any pictures he was so sick.” Français : Compétition de surf de Mavericks édition 2010. Photo prise depuis un bateau. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Isn’t that what we all need–courage. Courage to walk out into the ocean, blind, unable to see what is ahead in front of us, but trusting in our God to get us there.

I want to go deeper, but there is fear whispering in my ear. More and more though, I feel courage growing as my trust in Jesus grows.

“I’m already out here. Blind but I can see. I see the way You’re moving. God, how I believe.” ~Believer, Audio Adrenaline

I feel Jesus calling me out to the ocean. I know I’m not the only one with this invitation. You are called. Jesus is calling out your name and inviting you to try out the waves. If you’re standing on the shoreline, that is not where He wants you. He wants you out in the deep. Pick up your surfer board and swim out there. Pay no attention to the whispers of doubt and fear, because dude, He has got some things to show you! Things that will cause wonder and awe. You don’t want to miss out on that.

Hang ten, everybody!